93 Years of Experience
St. Michael’s Mission
A Welcoming Refuge in the Heart of Montreal
For over 93 years, St. Michael’s Mission has been a welcome refuge in the heart of Montreal for some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable among us.
We serve two hot, nutritious meals per day as well as emergency food, clothing, showers and psychosocial support. We also provide assistance and referrals for mental health services, addiction therapy and other community partners. Our small but devoted team of staff and volunteers are pleased to offer help to as many people as possible and to continue the work of the Mission.
Board Of Directors
Reverend Keith Schmidt, Chair
Star Gale, Director
Marlene Daley, Secretary
Sheila Woodhouse, Director
Sharyn Scott, Treasurer
Gerry Lafferty, Director
Our Team
The Spirit of St. Michael’s
Our employees embody the spirit of St. Michael’s Mission. They work hard to make sure our clients benefit from our services and a welcome respite from the street. Whether they are cooking and serving our famous soups, handing out clothing and emergency food, or simply sharing a coffee and conversation with our clients, our staff is there to help. A small but mighty team, they accomplish miracles under challenging circumstances every day. Their dedication and commitment to our clients is remarkable indeed.
Campbell Stuart
Executive Director
Dave Duverger
Supervisor, Programs
Marie-Justine Ajavon
Supervisor, Operations
Andy Marrocco
Community Liaison Officer
John Gonzales
Kitchen Supervisor
Celestina Udoye
Neila Sultan
Intervention worker
Ali Abass
Intervention Worker/Security
Jackson Fleuranvil
Supervisor, security
Rodny Pierre-Canel
Angelo Marcelin
David Bukenya
Inventory Coordinator
The Mission in Action
St. Michael’s Mission provides basic frontline services including meals and snacks, daytime respite from the street, clean clothing, hygiene assistance and emergency food distribution.
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Thursday from 8am to 3pm
Meals: 8:00-10:15; 11:15-12:30
Showers: 9:00-11:30
Clothing bank, Mondays and Thursdays: 13:00-14:00
Food Bag Programme
1 food bag (value ~$70) per month offered to people who have an apartment or room. This programme runs from the 15th to the end of every month, Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 14:00. ID and proof of address required.
3000 food bags are distributed each year
Our Programmes
Psychosocial Intervention
At St. Michael’s Mission we strive to create a trusting connection with all users. We provide short, medium, and long term accompaniment/monitoring when needed:
- Job hunting (resume preparation, email address, follow-up with employers)
- Search for accommodation, rooms, shelters
- Social reintegration
- Psychological distress
- Conflict resolution
- Domestic violence
- Liaison and support to our partner organizations related to the needs of our clients (CACTUS Montreal, CLSC, YMCA Dialogue, CHUM, OBM’s Clinique Mobile, crisis centers, etc.)
- Overdose prevention: we offer Fentanyl testing kits to users who consume. Our staff are trained to accompany users to practice a more responsible and safe consumption.
- We provide support and liaison to detoxification and addiction treatment services.
Administrative Support
We offer internal and external support/liaison to help clients navigate various government (and other) administrative systems:
Revenu Quebec, Canada Revenue Agency, Old Age Security (pension), Immigration Support, Social Solidarity (welfare), legal aid, Quebec healthcare system: RAMQ cards, liaison with CLSCs and hospitals, access to shuttles/transport to other organisations, and any other support need.
RAMQ: We are authorized by RAMQ to aid people without a fixed address to obtain a health insurance card.
Caisse populaire: We have a partnership with the Caisse Desjardins (Complexe Desjardins branch), which is now an official pilot project. They cash government cheques for users who do not have identification, if the user can be identified by one of our workers.
Our Community
We have long been blessed with continued and generous donations from our friends in the community. Whether it be donations of money or goods, whether it be time volunteered to help us, we appreciate it all! Some of our gifts include:
- Local barbers who cut our client’s hair
- Artists who provide art therapy
- Bakeries and home-bakers who send us freshly baked bread
- Gourmet chefs who send us treats
- Community organizations who provide us with coffee, blankets and other goods
- School children who prepare and serve homemade meals to our clientele
- Team-building events such donating, preparing and serving meals, painting our dining hall and sorting donations sfkjjksfjskjfslf kslfjf skfj skfjk sj
Gestures like these are a heartwarming part of our everyday experiences here at the Mission.